Custom Sizes Made to Order.
Increment Step — whole inch.
Pricing and delivery times vary based on the size of the rug ordered.
Assume 16—20 weeks lead time from ordering.
Shipping times and costs
vary based on the size of
the rug ordered.
Flat rate shipping will
not apply on custom
size rugs.
Shipping times and costs vary based on the size of the rug ordered.
For a quote on pricing and delivery time, contact us: [email protected]
Rug pads
We always recommend a rug pad.
We offer standard as well as custom sizing, and both arrive pre-trimmed.
Pricing for standard and custom rug pads is determined by size.
Flat Rate,
3—5 business days
The flate rate will apply
to each individual rug pad ordered.
Custom rug pads over 12 feet are shipped in 2 pieces.